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Gabon – 120 persons’ Base camp and 130 persons’ mobile camp

Base camp
Mobile base camp
Outside shelter
Offices under construction
Kitchen shelter

Supply, installation and putting into service a stationary base camp for 120 persons and a mobile camp for 130 persons at the Onal site

These stationary and mobile base camps were designed and created at the Onal site for Maurel & Prom and Caroil in a 4-month period in 2007-2008, as part of an EPCI contract.

For these missions, ETE provided location studies, technical and other specifications (layout and size of modules), adaptation to climate (air-conditioning, topicalization), connection to various networks (electricity, water and sewage), management of the invitation to tender, supplier selection and complete management of procurement (purchasing, logistics and delivery to the worksite) in the upstream phase.

In the technical intervention phase, ETE managed all work, onsite installation of the various modules and putting into service.