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Gabon – Coordination of the unit for exploration and production of crude oil at the Onal site

On-site works
Exploration site
Water treatment installation
Separators / desalter installation
Gaz compressor

Coordination and supply, installation, putting into service and administration of a unit for exploration and production of crude oil at the Onal site

For this project, an EPCI contract for Maurel & Prom implemented in 2007-2008, ETE performed studies, designed the technical and other specifications, prepared the invitation to tender and managed submissions, selected suppliers, provided engineering and complete management of procurement (purchasing, logistics and delivery to the worksite) in the upstream phase.

In the technical and industrial phase (excluding civil works), ETE managed the Onal worksite, selecting and managing service providers, performing and coordinating work onsite, and providing tests, technical assistance and commissioning.